Religiously believing in the power of education to transform lives for ourselves, our families and our communities.
We partner with world-class industry experts to craft relevant, problem driven and practically
learning experiences for every growth-seeking individuals.

From classroom learning to online learning, we live and breath our significant “High-impact Adult Learning” methodology with our experts and learners.

While traditional education remains essential in grooming future generations, adult learning is what keeping us relevant to the rapidly progressing world.
And that is why WMA exist – bringing High-impact Adult Learning to the table so everyone is given new possibilities to attain the success they are after. We carefully look into the process of experts selection and content distillation to ensure the learnings we provide are:
(i) designed to solve an actual real world problem,
(ii) practically proven to work,
(iii) and relevant to be applied immediately
Focusing on problem solving through a practically proven solution that is immediately relevant simplifies the learning process for every busy adults. And that’s how we make learning beyond effective but high-impact.
When high impact learning is made simple, success is simplified.
Learning is no the only way to success but the easiest one. At WMA, we experienced how continuous learning empower us to progress and open up new possibilities in our life. Hence we thrive to bring such transformational experience to our people and our community.
We do this is the real world by partnering with extraordinary experts to bring in top notch learnings that impacts life, equipping our students with the knowledge, skills and technology to achieve the success they are after. We make adult learning simple and highly effectively by breathing our High-impact Adult Learning methodology during experts selection and content distillation process. When learning is made simple, their path towards success is too simplified.
Read about our client’s transformation >

Everyone is great at something. But not everyone know how to replicate their knowledge, talents and abilities to help others become like them. And only selected few know how to let their expertise work for them.
WMA works to unveil the best in each experts. Coupling our experience in course design and regional education marketing, we turn expertise into a money generating business. We believe that being great at something isn’t enough. Being able to inspires others and transform their life with what we are great at, is what matters. Hence, we thrive to empower experts to turn their expertise into impactful learning experiences so everyone can be the next to transform their life.
Make your expertise matters. >

We envisioned a world where high impact adult learning is accessible to every success-seeker. Enrooting on the journey, we clearly understand that our influence will come to a point where it may not longer expand. Therefore over the years, we worked with like-minded businesses in bringing mutual values to each other and the community, while positively impacting the adult learning landscape.
WMA engages with partners that truly believe in the importance and power of education, We trust that these collaborative relationships will foster stronger synergies in forwarding education that matters.
Creating the future of education. >